How can I use WeChat securely?

For a secure experience using WeChat, we suggest the following:

1.Use only the official version of WeChat and be sure to keep it updated to the latest version listed on

2. Do not use any monitors (such as Bluestack, Andy, and Youwave) or non-official plugins to run WeChat.

3. Avoid running WeChat on any rooted Android devices or jailbroken iOS devices.

4. Do not use any unsecured Wi-Fi networks or those Wi-Fi without password.

5. Ensure any security apps on your phone won't compromise your experience on WeChat.

6. Set your WeChat ID immediately if you haven't set one before.

7. Set a WeChat password immediately if you haven't set one before.

8. Be sure to also link your mobile number and email to your WeChat account.

See also